
About us

pecat krystalove vino

Ing. Miroslav Kovács

Miroslav Kovács and winemaking

I have worked with wine and vineyards during my whole professional life. Winemaking is a passion for me, not a work. I am the winemaker who creates his own wines like an artist paints his paintings, like a poet writes his poems. During my lifetime, I became experienced in making the most beautiful and balanced wine, and I have adapted my professional life to it. The smile, loyalty and appreciation of my customers is the best reward for me.

Miroslav Kovács and Crystal Wine

I learnt to make wine in the first period of my professional life. I applied myself conscientiously and responsibly to my profession with the aim to use all that nature and vineyards offer.

In the second period of my life, I moved my knowledge and winemaking forward. All what I created is new, beautiful and unknown until now. I combine mineral power and healing crystals with the power of wine. I created a new term called Crystal wine.

I work with minerals’ energies and I feel their meaning and importance. I am receiving information how to work with minerals and how to use their potential in connection to wine. Wine and mineral power is in harmony and synergy. All of this provides benefits for you.

Winery Víno Jarmila s.r.o. – Crystal Winery

We are a small family winery with an individual attitude.

Our winery is equipped only with gentle technologies. This means that I can guarantee and honor our philosophy and that I can provide the highest quality of wines which are unique for their grape variety and for the locality they are situated in. Also, I know the vineyards where we harvest our grapes for wine. 

Production of wine is as follows. First of all, it is necessary to manually pick the grapes and process them gently. Second, you have to very gently separate the grapes from their stalks without damaging the grapes. After, it is necessary to softly press the grapes and carefully transport them to the press machine where the process of maceration runs. The time needed for maceration depends on the type of grape variety. This is followed by the gradual, slow and few hours long process of pressing with gradually increasing pressure while the main aim is to cause least damage to the grape skin and pips. The pressed juice is sedimented in low temperature the next day. After, this juice is transferred to the fermenting container which allows me to regulate the fermentation temperature based on my wishes. The ripening process with the yeasts begins after the process of fermentation. Also, I gently infuse the wines with oxygen in order to provide them with the optimal development.

I do not rush the maturing of wine because every wine needs its own time for developing into its best stage. Some wine matures inside its container for 10 months and some even for 20 months. Depending on its needs. It is very important to give enough time for maturing and developing of the wine  and this process should not be hastened without good reasons.

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I have worked with the power and energy of minerals from the beginning of my wine making career. It is always an individual and unique process. I choose which mineral is the most suitable for each type of wine and I do so based on my experiences and feelings and in accordance to the stage of process the wine is currently in. Minerals have been part of our wines from the beginning. The final stage is the process of adding the minerals to the bottle while bottling the wine and this provides the final connection between healing crystals and wine. The healing impact of the wine with minerals is affected by the overall wine production process, in which different healing minerals are added during different stages of the wine production.

The healing crystals which we use are energetically cleaned before adding them to the wine production. It is not only about adding the crystals – they have to be treated first. This work with healing stones and their preparation is based on my personal experience and knowledge.

We guard, watch and protect everything that is connected to our wine production with minerals in order to be sure that nobody will use or misuse our unique ideas about Crystal wine production.

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pecat krystalove vino



Kostelní 621
691 85 Dolní Dunajovice
IN: 02158191
TAX ID: CZ02158191

Ing. Miroslav Kovács

mobil: 775 127 730

Jarmila Kovácsová

mobil: 775 127 731