
Crystal Wine philosophy

pecat krystalove vino

Healing minerals, crystals and their mission

The healing power of minerals, crystals, stones and gemstones have been known since ancient history. They help us in many ways and levels.

Their power, healing and encouraging energy fascinates me. When I am in contact with these minerals, I perceive their energy, power and mission which can be helpful to us.

Some of the stones can provide connections of our senses to the Earth and nature. Others can support open-mindedness in our relationships and feelings. Others can motivate us to process and express our own opinions and it give us inner power. Some of them can also invoke love and feelings not only to others, but also to ourselves. They help to harmonize our relationships. They also raise our perception, fantasy and imagination and they can even develop our intuition and connect our being with a higher power.

The mineral power which I described is directly connected and compatible with energy centers in our body. Minerals can harmonize and stimulate them.

Grape vine, wine and its mission

Vineyards and wine are my love, my pleasure. Caring about the vineyards makes me feel happy. It allows me to realize the wisdom of nature.

The soil and minerals’ structures are very important for look after the vineyards. They have a very high impact on the wine’s aroma and flavor and on its potential, power and energy. When I pick up small parts of the soil and hold them in my hands I feel their good scent and energy. Roots of the vines grow deeply in the ground. Their fibrous roots soak up minerals from the soil that are transported to the upper parts of the vines and to the grapes. The ripe grapes are picked and used for wine production. Minerals in the grapes become part of the wine and they never disappear. This means the minerals are becoming part of our body, and they heal us too when drinking them. This is one of the healing moments for our soul and body. It has positive impact on biochemical reactions in our organism as well as it is very important from energy point of view because of mineral energy which harmonizes our physical and spiritual being.

This is the wisdom of nature which arranges the connection between the mineral power and wine for us.

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Mankind has always had a close connection to wine since the moment of civilization. It has been proved that wine has a healing impact on our organism as well as on our physical state. It is a source of healing substances and minerals which were transported to the wine from the soil. Everything in this world is connected to energy, which represents the main essence of life as well as the wine is influenced by this energy too. This means that the wine does not influence us only through its color, aroma and flavor but also through its energy created during the process of wine production. Every contact with wine provides me the chance to feel its energy and power in a way which recognizes its mission for us.

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pecat krystalove vino
pecat krystalove vino

Wine and crystals, wine and healing minerals

My practice in the field of „Mineralogy and wine” is an innovative practice of enhancing the empowering and healing impact of minerals and wine. The main principle is to evaluate the energetic impact of wine and its connection with the energetic impact of particular crystals. Therefore, the energetic impact of the wine and minerals on us and on our energy centers is strengthened. There are more possibilities to combine wine and minerals.  One of them is that wine and minerals can be set up differently with different energy, which means they can affect various human energy centers. For this reason, this synchronization has a very positive effect on the human being.

I connect the power of minerals and wine from early in the wine production process. This means from the stage of processing the grapes from the vines, fermentation and maturing of the wine. My work with wine and minerals is completed through the process of adding healing crystals to the wine during bottling, waiting until you happily taste the wine for the first time.



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